Visit the world famous Jewish quarter in center of Prague, enter 7 sites of the Jewish museum.

meeting at Old Town Square

visit 7 Jewish sites

certified guide just for you

3 hours

2x daily: at 9.00 and at 13.00 (not operating on Saturdays and Jewish holidays)

židovský hřbitov, Guide Prague

Even though Jews have lived in Czechia since the Middle Ages, their history, traditions, customs and monuments are not well known and visited. 

Prague Jewish quarter is the place where you can learn more about the present and past of Czech Jews.

With a guide, you will visit several monuments, each with a different exhibition:

  • Old-New synagogue - still in operation for services
  • Maisel synagogue - history of Czech Jews till enlightenment
  • Klausen synagogue - Jewish holidays and traditions
  • Pinkas synagogue - Holocaust memorial
  • Spanish synagogue - history of Czech Jews since enlightenment
  • cemetery
  • ceremonial hall


Tour ends at Old Town square.

Ticket to museum is not included (500,- CZK/person).

Start: at 9.00, 13.00 (not operating on Saturdays and Jewish holiday)

Choose language of your tour (Czech, English, German, French or other on request)

Židovská čtvrť

from 150.00

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This tour is suitable for all who

want to VISIT world famous sites in Prague city center

want to LEARN about the mythological Golem and world known Maharal of Prague

want to ENTER the one of the oldest synagogue in the world which is still in use since 1270

want to LEARN about 1000 year history of Czech Jewry

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