Enjoy a beautiful dinner cruise and illuminated Prague - with a buffet dinner and live music. Transfers there and back.

night, lit up Prague

transfer there and back

buffet dinner with live music

3 hours aboard

pick up at 18.30 at hotel

večeře na lodi s transferem, Guide Prague

Enjoy a beautiful, romantic evening with good food and live music on a boat.

Dinner is served in the form of a rich buffet, everyone will find dishes to eat: meat and vegetarian dishes, hot and cold, various vegetable garnishes, desserts. Live music (guitars and vocal) will accompany you throughout the evening.

Route: from under the Čechův bridge to Charles bridge, the Smíchov locks, to Vyšehrad, and back.

The price includes:

  • 2x transfer
  • from the hotel to the ship and back
  • welcome drink
  • buffet dinner
  • accompanying program: live music
  • seats by the window

Pick up at the hotel at 18.30, return after 22.00.

Minimum number of participants: 2!

Večeře na lodi


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  • Make your payment directly into our bank account. Please use your Order ID as the payment reference. Your order will not be shipped until the funds have cleared in our account.

This tour is suitable for all who

want to be TAKEN CARE OF - all is organized: transfers, ticket pick up, window seats - all inclusive service

want to ENJOY an evening program - not just to sit in a restaurant as usual

want to SHOW Prague their business partners/friends from abroad 

want to see PRAGUE BY NIGHT

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