Visit the memorial of Jewish ghetto of WWII.

pick up at hotel

always comfortable vehicle for you: car / minivan / minibus 

qualified guide for you

5 hours

2x daily: at 9.00 and 13.00 (except Saturdays)

Terezín, Národní památník, hvězda na hřbitově, Guide Prague

Terezín, built as fort in 1790, was chosen precisely for its high walls during WWII for the purpose of segregating the Jewish population from society.

Visit places in the town of Terezín that show you the terrifying chapter in Czech history as a ghetto for the Jews. With a guide you will walk through the Small Fortress, the ghetto museum and the crematorium.


Start: at 9.00, 13.00 (except Saturdays)

Choose the language of your tour: Czech, English, German, French (and other languages on request)

Tickets are not included.


from 250.00

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This tour is suitable for all who

are INTERESTED in Jewish history

want to SHOW places out of Prague to their business partners / friends

to go for half-day trip out of Prague

are INTERESTED in history of WWII

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